Project Email log

2 minutes
1 year ago

Project Email log

This page lists the emails that are logged in the current Project Center project. Select the subject of an email to view its details. External and internal (Project Center) users see the same information unless otherwise noted.

Project Email

Use the Project Email drop-down list to filter the list of emails by category. The categories are as follows:

Messages To Me

This category lists all emails logged in the current project for which you are a recipient.

Messages From Me

This category lists all emails logged in the current project for which you are the sender.


Categories available to Project Center users

In addition to the categories listed above, Project Center users (internal users) can see the following:

All Messages

This category lists all emails logged in the current project.



Mark this checkbox to display a portion of the email messages below their subjects.

Filter All Columns

You can filter by any text that is visible on this page in any of the columns and the preview text. For example, if you know the subject (or part of the subject) of the email message that you are searching for (or the sent date, size, etc.), enter at least part of the text in this field, then select Go to filter the list.

If the text you are looking for is not visible on this preview page, you cannot filter on it.




The    icon indicates the email message is marked as important.


The    icon indicates the email message contains an attachment.


The original subject line of the email. Select the subject of an email message to view it in the Email Message page.


Displays the original sender of the email.


Displays the recipient list for the email.


Displays the original sent date for the email.


Additional fields

The following fields can be added to the Project Email log by selecting the Show/Hide Columns button to access Drag to Change Columns.


Displays the file size of the email.


Displays the time the email was sent.


To access this log

Select View > Project Information > Project Email from the toolbar.

If project email is not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.