Email Preview page
Email Preview page
This page shows the entire email message you selected from the Project Email page or an Info Exchange page’s Email Log tab.
Like other activity centers on Info Exchange, you can search for other project items or quickly access other activity centers or resources from the toolbar.
Email PreviewThis section shows the details of the email message. The message could have attachments that you can click to open, links to view its associated transmittal, links to download associated files, links to login to the Info Exchange site, and/or link s to open Project Center, as shown in the following example: |
Click to copy this email message to the Newforma – Copied Messages folder in your email application. It enables you to respond to or forward an email message through your email client (or Smart phone while viewing email on the road.)
Copy to My Mailbox – Click this button to copy the email that you are viewing to your Email client. In Outlook, the message is copied to the Newforma – Copied Messages folder.
To access this page
You can access this page in the following ways:
Click the subject of an email message from the Project Email page.
Click the subject of an email message from the Email Log tab of various pages throughout Info Exchange.
If project email is not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.