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Newforma Project Center 2022
Newforma Project Center 12th Edition
Newforma Project Center 11th Edition
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Action Items Addendums Administration Archive Building Information Management Bulletins Change Order Proposals Change Orders Companies Compare Construction Change Directives Contacts Contract Management Contracts Cost Codes Daily Reports...
Generate a Form Letter
Generate a Form Letter Perform the following steps to generate a form letter to send to a contact or multiple contacts from the Newforma Contact Directory. To create a new...
Generate a Specialized Report
Generate a Specialized Report You can create specialized reports from most activity centers. To create a specialized report If you are not already there, open the desired activity center from...
Generate a Standard Activity Center Log Report
Generate a Standard Activity Center Log Report You can generate a standard report from any activity center and export it to the format of your choice. Perform the following steps...
Give Recipients the Option to Partially Download File Transfers from Info Exchange
Give Recipients the Option to Partially Download File Transfers from Info Exchange Perform the following steps to allow the recipients of a file transfer to partially download the files from...
How Add Similar Package Works
How Add Similar Package Works You must be a Document Controller to add a similar package. When you select a record document package in the Document Control activity center, you...
How Project Center Handles Paths and Filenames That Exceed Windows Limits
How Project Center Handles Paths and Filenames that Exceed Windows Limits (Long Path) With Windows 10, companies can opt into supporting much longer file paths. Typically, the maximum file path...
How the Compare Feature Handles External References (XREFs)
How the Compare Feature Handles External References (XREFs) Drawing files often contain references to other drawings or images. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path...
How the Newforma Viewer Matches Objects when Counting Automatically
How the Newforma Viewer Matches Objects When Counting Automatically If the selected object is a line, arc, circle, or polyline, then objects of the same type on the same layer...
How to…
How to… ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQR | STU | VWXYZ To view this list by feature, see Frequently Asked Questions. A B C...
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