
1 minute
1 year ago

Troubleshooting the Legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook

For many troubleshooting issues, use the Newforma Project Email Diagnostics dialog box.


The legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar does not appear

Reason 1

Microsoft Primary Interop Assemblies and Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime are not installed.


Project Center requires Microsoft Primary Interop Assemblies and Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime be installed to fully take advantage of the inter-operability between Project Center and Microsoft Outlook. These tools are normally installed when Project Center is installed, but were either not installed, uninstalled, or there was a problem with the installation. To take full advantage of Project Center’s ability to file items directly from Outlook, run the Project Center installer again.

Reason 2

The legacy Project Center Toolbar has been disabled.


Refer to Enable/Disable the Legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar within Microsoft Outlook.



I cannot file an appointment to Project Center from the Appointment dialog box

Create the appointment and click Save and Close. From the main calendar page, select the appointment, then click File in Project from the legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar.