
2 minutes
1 year ago


Project Center automatically sends email reminders about file transfers, transmittals, submittals, RFIs, and action items to contacts either once a day, semi-weekly, or weekly (depending on the setting in the Notification Reminders section of the General tab of the Project Center Administration Activity Center Servers tab). The reminder is a single email message per Project Center Server that aggregates all action item, submittal, RFI, transmittal, and file transfer related reminders for all projects on the server. It is sent at 7:00 AM by default.

Reminders are sent for archived and offline projects. The notices will be sent until the item is completed.

Reminders have an opt out message at the bottom of the email message. You can enable or disable the opt out message in the Project Center Administration Activity Center Contacts tab.

Reminders for internal team members contain links to Project Center, whereas reminders for external team members contain links to Info Exchange.

When clicked, hyperlinks in Project Center notifications for internal team members go to the activity center containing the item in the currently open Project Center session. A new Project Center session is not opened unless a dialog box is open. The activity center that opens will have an Open new session and revert link on the right side of the title bar. Clicking the link opens the activity center in a new Project Center session and sends the original Project Center session back to the previous activity center.

You can set reminders in the following dialog boxes: