Edit Document Control Extended Properties dialog box

2 minutes
8 months ago

Edit Document Control Extended Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to create and edit the extended properties of Project Center record documents in document control and to edit the synchronization settings with Newforma Project Information Link.

You must be a Document Controller to access this dialog box.

Extended Properties

This section lists the extended properties for Project Center record documents.

Group Name

The group to which the extended property belongs.

Property Name

The name of the extended property for record documents in the Document Control activity center.

Default Value

The default value assigned to the extended property.


Click to open the Add Document Control Extended Property dialog box to add an extended property to the record documents in the Document Control activity center.


Click to open the Edit Document Control Extended Property dialog box to edit the selected extended property in the Document Control activity center.


Click to remove the selected extended property from the list and from Project Center.

Property Synchronization Settings

This section lists the properties that will be synchronized with Newforma Project Information Link.

Property Name

The names of the Project Center record documents properties to be synchronized.

Synchronization Type

Indicates whether the property value is imported from Project Center to Newforma Project Information Link or exported to Project Center.

Mapped Property

The name of the Revit property being imported into or exported from.


Click to open the Document Control Property Synchronization dialog box to map properties and specify the synchronization type.


Click to open the Property Synchronization Settings dialog box to map properties and specify the synchronization type for the selected property.


Click to remove the selected synchronization setting from the list and from Project Center.


To access this dialog box

Click Utilities > Edit Extended Properties from the Tasks panel of the Document Control activity center.