File Tasks panel
File Tasks panel
Use the File Tasks panel to perform various tasks on files selected throughout Project Center. Each task is described here.
EDMS users: NPC Check-in/Check-out, FileNet, ProjectWise, and SharePoint each have additional file tasks. Click the appropriate link to go to that section:

Open with…
Click to open the file in its native application. For example, a .DOC file will open in Microsoft Word.
Open with Newforma Viewer
Click to open the selected file in the Newforma Viewer to view it or to create a new markup.
Info Exchange > Transfer Only
Click to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to send the files via Info Exchange.
Info Exchange > Transfer and Log a Transmittal
Click to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to create a transmittal and send the files via Info Exchange.
Email > Send as Attachment
Click to open an email message in Microsoft Outlook containing the selected file as an attachment.
Email > Send as Link
Make sure the recipient can access the files before using this task.
Click to open an email message in Microsoft Outlook containing a link to the selected file that the recipient can click on to open the file.
Email > Send and Log a Transmittal
Click to open the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to create a transmittal and send the files in an email message.
Email > Send with Options
Click to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to select the sending options before sending the files in an email message.Additional Send options could be available if other transfer methods were added to this project when it was created, or at any other time using the Edit Project Settings dialog box.
Add to > Project Center Item
Click to add the selected file to a Project Center item.
Add to > Another Project Item
Click to open the Select Project Item dialog box to add the selected file to a Project Center item that is not in the drop-down list.
Log as > Project Center item
Click to open the Log as dialog box to log the selected item as a new Project Center item, or as a reviewer response to an existing item.
Review Related Markup Sessions
This task is available only when you select a file that has related markup sessions.
Click to open the Related Markup Sessions activity center to view information about and preview the selected markup sessions.
Track in Markup Session Log
This task is available only when you select a .PDF or .DWF file that does not have a related markup session.
Click to open the Save Markup Session dialog box to create a markup session from a .PDF or .DWF file and track it in the Project Markup Sessions activity center. This enables you to track a markup session that was created from a .PDF or .DWF file in an application other then the Newforma Viewer.
Find > All Versions of This file
Click to search for files with the same or similar filename in the current project. The Search Results window opens, which lists all files that have a name similar to the selected file. The search parameter *filename*.* is used as the basis of the search.If you are searching email message (.MSG) files, be aware that the subject of the email message is searched, not the filename.
Find > External References
This task is available only when the selected file has external references.
Click to open the External Reference Details dialog box to display external reference (XREF)Drawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. details about the selected file. This command applies to drawing files only.
Compare to > Another File
Click to open the Select a File dialog box to compare the selected file to another file.
Compare to > Another Version of This File
Click to open the Select File dialog box to compare the selected file to a file with a similar name or version.
Change Keywords
Click to open the Change Keywords dialog box to add and remove keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to project items to use for filtering and searching. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers and dialog boxes. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for, as well as do a project search for items containing the keywords. from the file.
Click to open the Publish Files dialog box to print or create a .PDF of the selected files.
This task appears only when you select two or more image files.
Click to open the selected image files in the Newforma Viewer to compare them to each other.
Explorer Tasks > Select in File System
Click to open Windows Explorer to the location where the selected file is physically stored on your local computer or network.
Explorer Tasks > Open with…
Click to open the Choose A Program dialog box to select the application in which to open the selected file.
Explorer Tasks > Manage Files > Copy
Click to open the Select Destination Folder dialog box to select a Project Center project and folder in which to save a copy of the selected file.
Explorer Tasks > Manage Files > Move
Click to open the Move to dialog box to select a Project Center project and folder in which to move the selected file.
Explorer Tasks > Manage Files > Delete
Click to delete the selected file.Deleting a file using this task permanently removes it from your file server.
Explorer Tasks > Manage Files > Rename
Click to rename the selected file.
Explorer Tasks > Copy to Clipboard > Copy Path to Clipboard
Click to copy the entire path of the selected file to the clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere else.
Explorer Tasks > Copy to Clipboard > Copy Link to Clipboard
Click to copy the Project Center link to the file to the clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere else, such as in an email message. Clicking on the link would open the Project Files activity center and select that file.
Explorer Tasks > View Properties
Click to open the Windows Properties dialog box to view information about the file.
Fix Broken Link
This task appears if Project Center cannot access the file. Click to open the Change Path of Project File dialog box to locate the file and repair the broken link.
Search for Versions of This File
This task appears when the system is set up to only store a list of files as opposed to the full record copy. It looks at the file information and searches for similar files. The results are shown in the Search Results window.
NPC Check-in/Check-outThe following tasks only appear if you use NPC Check-in/Check-out as your EDMS.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Check Out
Click to check the file out. You will be prompted to save the file to the file system. If you choose No, the file is checked out. If you choose Yes, the file is checked out and a copy of the file is saved locally.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Check Out and Open
Click to check the file out, save a copy of the file locally, and automatically open the local copy of the file in the appropriate application. You will be prompted to select a location in which to save the file.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Check in
Click to check in a new revision of the file. Add comments in the Check In Document dialog box.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Undo Check Out
Click to undo the check out of the file without checking in a new revision.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Get Latest Revision
Click to automatically download and save a local copy of the latest revision of the file without checking the file out.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Select in Workspace
Select in Workspace opens Windows Explorer to the location of the local copy of the file.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of the NPC Check-in/Check out system.
The following tasks only appear if you use FileNet as your EDMS.
FileNet Tasks > Check Out
Click to check the file out of FileNet. You will be prompted to save the file to the file system. If you choose No, the file is checked out. If you choose Yes, the file is checked out and you are prompted to select a location in which to save a copy of the file locally.
FileNet Tasks > Check Out and Open
Click to check the file out of FileNet, save a copy of the file locally, and automatically open the local copy of the file in the appropriate application. You will be prompted to select a location in which to save the file.
FileNet Tasks > Check in
Click to check a new revision of the file into FileNet. You will be prompted to select the file to import and to increment the revision in the Check In Document dialog box.
FileNet Tasks > Undo Check Out
Click to undo the check out of the file in FileNet without checking in a new revision.
FileNet Tasks > Get Latest Revision
Click to automatically download and save a local copy of the latest revision of the file without checking the file out of FileNet. You will be prompted to select a location in which to save the file.
FileNet Tasks > Select in FileNet/Open with/Manage Files/Copy to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described above, but apply to FileNet files.The Select in FileNet option is not available for a virtual heirarchy.
FileNet Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of FileNet.
ProjectWiseThe following tasks only appear if you use ProjectWise as your EDMS.
Open with ProjectWise Connection Name
Click to open the file using the application defined in ProjectWise Explorer.
ProjectWise Tasks > Check Out
Click to check the file out of ProjectWise. The file is checked out and a copy of the file is automatically stored in the ProjectWise local workspace.
ProjectWise Tasks > Check Out and Open
Click to check the file out of ProjectWise, save a copy of the file to the ProjectWise local workspace, and automatically open the local copy of the file in the appropriate application.
ProjectWise Tasks > Check in
Click to check a new version of the file into ProjectWise. You will be prompted to select the file to import and to enter updated version information in the Check In Document dialog box.
ProjectWise Tasks > Undo Check Out
Click to undo the check out of the file in ProjectWise without checking in a new version. The local copy of the file is automatically deleted from the ProjectWise local workspace.
ProjectWise Tasks > Get Latest Revision
Click to automatically download and save a local copy of the latest version of the file without checking the file out of ProjectWise.
ProjectWise Tasks > Select in Workspace/Select in ProjectWise/Open with/Manage Files/Copy to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described above, but apply to ProjectWise files.Select in Workspace opens Windows Explorer to the location of the local copy of the file. Select in ProjectWise opens the location of the file in the ProjectWise Explorer.
ProjectWise Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of ProjectWise.
Open with SharePoint Connection Name
Click to open the file using the application defined in SharePoint.
SharePoint Tasks > Check Out
Click to check the file out of SharePoint. You will be prompted to save the file to the file system. If you choose No, the file is checked out. If you choose Yes, the file is checked out and you are prompted to select a location in which to save a copy of the file locally.
SharePoint Tasks > Check Out and Open
Click to check the file out of Sharepoint, save a copy of the file locally, and automatically open the local copy of the file in the appropriate application. You will be prompted to select a location in which to save the file.
SharePoint Tasks > Check in
Click to check a new revision of the file into SharePoint. You will be prompted to select the file to import and to increment the revision in the Check In Document dialog box.If SharePoint versioning is disabled, the revision will not be incremented.
Sharepoint Tasks > Undo Check Out
Click to undo the check out of the file in SharePoint without checking in a new revision.
Sharepoint Tasks > Get Latest Revision
Click to automatically download and save a local copy of the latest revision of the file without checking the file out of SharePoint. You will be prompted to select a location in which to save the file.
Sharepoint Tasks > Select in Sharepoint/Open with/Manage Files/Copy to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described above, but apply to Sharepoint files.
Sharepoint Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of Sharepoint.
BIM 360The following tasks only appear if you use BIM 360 as your EDMS.
Open with BIM 360 Connection Name
Click to open the file using the application defined in BIM 360.
BIM 360 Tasks > Get Latest Revision
Click to automatically download and save a local copy of the latest revision of the file without checking the file out of BIM 360. You will be prompted to select a location in which to save the file.
BIM 360 Tasks > Select in BIM 360/Open with/Manage Files/Copy to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described above, but apply to BIM 360 files.
BIM 360 Tasks > Edit Properties
Click to edit the properties (name) of the selected file.
BIM 360 Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of BIM 360.