Project Center Administration Activity Center Keywords tab

6 minutes
1 year ago

Project Center Administration Activity Center Keywords tab

Use this activity center to manage and configure Project Center and its global project keywords. Global project keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to project items to use for filtering and searching. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers and dialog boxes. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for, as well as do a project search for items containing the keywords. provide the default keywords used in drop-down lists and fields in all projects on all Project Center Servers.

This activity center is only available to Project Center administrators. Administrators are listed in the Licensing tab. If no administrators are listed, all Project Center users have administrative privileges until the first administrator is added.

Switching tabs does not update the information in this activity center. Click the button to get the latest information.

The following list shows all available tasks for this tab.

Import Keyword Lists

Click to open the Select Spreadsheet dialog box to select the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing the status and keyword list settings that you want to import into Project Center.

For example, you could use this task to import values that were entered in a spreadsheet to save time instead of manually entering them, as it is generally faster to import values from a spreadsheet.

You can access the sample status and keyword list settings spreadsheet template supplied with Project Center in its default location on the Project Center Server: C:\Program Files (x86)\Newforma\Twelfth Edition\Newforma Project Center Server\SQL\data\Keyword Lists.xlxs.

Export Selected

Click to open the Save Template dialog box to save the selected keyword list settings to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to use as a template.

Export Keyword Lists

Click to open the Save Template dialog box to save all keyword list settings to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to use as a template.

For example, you could export the default settings to a spreadsheet, edit the values in the spreadsheet, then re-import it into a project to save time. You could also export settings to save a record of them prior to making any major changes, so that you could later revert back to the original settings if necessary. Or, if your Project Center Servers cannot replicate with each other due to physical limits, you could use one status and keyword list settings template to set up two servers that have identical settings.

Access Newforma Support

Click to open the Newforma support website.

Return to My Project Center

Click to close this activity center and return to the My Project Center activity center.

Project Center Administration

Keyword Lists

Use this section to add and edit project keyword lists and the keywords that appear in them. These lists are used in all Project Center projects, giving users the ability to create and edit keywords to apply to individual project items such as RFIs, submittals, action items, etc. Keywords are supported by the search feature, giving users the ability to locate project items containing the keywords, and users can filter lists based on keywords.

As an administrator, you can use the Edit Project Settings dialog box to create new global keyword lists and assign them to the activity centers of projects. Depending on the settings made in that dialog box, users can either select keywords from lists to apply to project items, or if it is enabled, they can enter their own keywords in addition to selecting keywords from a list.

List Name

The name of each global project keyword list. Each lists contains its own set of keywords; the keywords appear in the corresponding lists throughout Project Center. You can edit the keywords in a list by clicking Modify to open the Project Keyword List dialog box.


Yes indicates that the list is required in and used by new projects when they are created. The values in this column are not editable.

List Type

The global keyword list type. It indicates the Project Center item and category each keyword list applies to.


Click to open the Add Project Keyword List dialog box to add a new project keyword list that can be applied to any project. You must then click Modify to add keywords to the list. After lists are created, you can apply them to the activity center of projects using the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Add Similar

Click to open the Add Project Keyword List dialog box to add a new project keyword list based on the keyword list type you selected, which can then be applied to any project. You must then click Modify to add keywords to the list. After lists are created, you can apply them to the activity center of projects using the Edit Project Settings dialog box.


Click to open the Rename a Project Keyword List dialog box to rename the selected project keyword list.

To rename any standard keyword from the Project Center database, you first have to open the relevant global keyword list and remove the keyword from the list. You will then be able to enter the new version of the keyword in a Keyword field anywhere in Project Center. The assigned keyword will then become a custom keyword in the Project Keywords activity center.


Click to remove the selected project keyword list. You will be prompted before it is removed.


Click to open the Project Keyword List dialog box to add keywords to the selected keyword list, as well as edit and remove keywords from the list.


Switching Project Center servers instantly

Click the icon in the lower left corner of the Project Center Administration activity center to switch the Project Center Server you are connected to. You can also type in the name of a server.  When a new project is opened or created, the server it is on is added to the list.

The home server location is determined by the name of the Project Center Server entered when Project Center was installed. This server is added to the registry. If your home location is not the same as the location of the Project Center Server for another project, it is not switched in the registry.


To access this activity center

Click Project Center Administration from the Tasks panel of the My Project Center activity center or from the Activities list, then click the Keywords tab.