View Log Files dialog box

1 minute
9 months ago

View Log Files dialog box

Use this dialog box to view and/or save the log files of a Newforma Server or a Project Center client, depending on where you accessed it from. The log files that are available depend on the type of server you select (Project Center, Info Exchange, Index, or Work), or the client you access it from. Select the log from the list and click View to open it in Notepad, or click Save to save it.

Modified Time

The date and time the log file was last modified.

Creation Time

The date and time the log file was created.


The size of the log file.


The number of errors that occurred since the log was created.


The number of warnings generated since the log was created.


The log’s type.

File Name

The name of the log file.


To access this dialog box

You can access this dialog box in the following ways:

Select a server from the Project Center Administration Activity Center Servers tab and click View Log Files from the Tasks panel.

Click the button and select Diagnostics > View Log Files.