Modify Permission Definitions for Set/Permissions for dialog box

3 minutes
9 months ago

Modify Permission Definitions for Set/Permissions for dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit permission set settings for activity centers for internal or external Project Center users on Info Exchange.

Accessing this dialog box from the Project Team activity center or from a project team member dialog box opens a read-only version of it titled Permissions for.

Editing permissions for internal or external users depends on which permission set you chose to edit from the Project Center Administration Activity Center Security tab.

Document sets are only available to internal Project Center users and are therefore not included in the list of activity centers. Because document sets expose files from the file server, keeping their permissions from being modified in this dialog box prevents the files from being accessed by external Info Exchange users.

Activity Center Name

The names of the Info Exchange activity centers. Select the activity center you want to set permissions for on Info Exchange.


The current setting for this permission set that is applied to each activity center on Info Exchange:

Do Not Show Any

No items from the activity center are shown on Info Exchange.

Show Only Items Team Member is On

Only the items on which the project team member is included are shown on Info Exchange.

Show All Items Team Member’s Company is On

All items on which any members of the project team member’s company are included are shown on Info Exchange. It is based on the company that is assigned to the contacts (which for internal Project Center users is the company assigned to the users’ profiles.)

Show All

All items from the selected activity center are shown on Info Exchange.


Yes indicates create permission is enabled for the activity center.

No indicates create permission is disabled for the activity center.

— indicates create permission is not available for the activity center.


Yes indicates edit permission is enabled for the activity center.

No indicates edit permission is disabled for the activity center.

— indicates edit permission is not available for the activity center.



Yes indicates close permission is enabled for the activity center.

No indicates close permission is disabled for the activity center.

— indicates close permission is not available for the activity center.



Yes indicates full permissions are enabled for the activity center.

No indicates full permissions are disabled for the activity center.

— indicates full permissions not available for the activity center.



This column lists any other parameters.


Click to open the Modify Permission Definition dialog box to edit the permission settings for the selected Info Exchange activity center.


To access this dialog box

You can access this dialog box in the following ways:

Select a permission set, then click Modify from the Project Center Administration Activity Center Permission Sets tab.

Select a project team member and then click View Permission Set from the Tasks panel of the Project Team activity center.