Record Copies Overview

2 minutes
10 months ago

Record Copies Overview

Record copies are .ZIP files created by Project Center that contain copies of project files. They are created under the following circumstances:

  • Whenever files are transferred via Info Exchange.

  • Whenever project folders or document sets are published via Info Exchange.

  • Whenever transmittals are created with associated files. This includes submittal and RFI actions that have associated files.

  • When a record copy is manually created from a project folder or a document set using the Create a Record Copy task.

The record copy .ZIP files are stored in project folders in the default locations specified in Record Copies Folders section of the Create Project dialog box/Edit Project Settings dialog box (you have the option to specify a different location in which to store the record copy .ZIP files when they are created):

  • Incoming file transfers, incoming transmittals, and incoming submittal/RFI actions default to the location specified in the Incoming Transfers field.

  • Outgoing file transfers, published folders and document sets, and outgoing submittal/RFI actions default to the location specified in the Outgoing Transfers field.

  • Manually created record copies of project folders and document sets default to the location specified in the Document Sets and Project Folders field.

All record copies are logged in the Record Copies activity center. You can use this activity center to browse and compare record copies to other record copies and project items.

How XREFs are handled by record copies

All XREFDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. types are supported when record copies are created (absolute/explicit paths, relative, and pathless). Be aware that pathless XREFs require additional settings. See External Reference Paths dialog box for more information.