Open Revit Project File dialog box

2 minutes
1 year ago

Open Revit Project File dialog box

Autodesk Revit files operate on the concept of central and local files. A central file is located on the file server and isn’t typically worked on directly. This is the file registered in Project Center. A local file can be located on the file server or a user’s workstation. This is the file users typically work on. Project Center keeps track of these different Revit file uses. Use this dialog box to select which file to open in Revit. 

Choose one of the following options:

Choose Proceed to Open the Selected Revit Project File to open the registered central file.

Choose The Revit Project File is Not Enabled for Worksharing. Proceed to Open and Do Not Prompt for a Local File in the Future to open a registered file that hasn’t had worksharing activated and not be prompted with this dialog box in the future.

Even though you can register a non-worksharing enabled Revit file, it is a good idea to enable worksharing before registering. Not doing so may require you to change the registered file’s name or file path later on since these are the file properties that typically change when enabling worksharing and saving the new central file.

Choose Specify a New Local File for the Selected Revit Project File to specify an existing associated local file. Use this option if you have an existing local file you want to open instead of opening the registered central file. After opening, the local file will be added the Associated Local Files list at the bottom of this dialog box

Choose Select an Associated Local File to select a file from the list at the bottom of this dialog box if you have already used the previous option to open a local Revit file. The list will show the files, which can be directly selected instead of manually locating them via an Open File dialog box (which is what happens with the previous option). You also have the ability to remove files from the list that may no longer be valid.


To access this dialog box

Select a model from the Building Models and Elements activity center and click Open with Autodesk Revit from the Tasks panel.