Proposal Request Overview
Proposal Request Overview
AKA Request for Change Proposal, Change Proposal Request, Request for Change Order, Change Order Request, or Request for Proposal.
Proposal requests (PRs) are documents that the designer issues to a contractor to solicit an itemized quote for changes to a contract’s schedule/time.
If a change to the contract documents that involve a substantial change to the contract sum or contract time is required, a lead design consultant issues a PR to a contractor to solicit an itemized quote for changes to a contract’s schedule/time. Changes may be a result of:
Owner’s request;
Value engineering;
Recognition of error/omission;
Reviewing agency request;
Changed conditions;
Request for substitution.
The contractor responds with a change order proposal.
Proposal requests do not authorize a contractor to start making changes.
PRs can be reviewed and sent electronically through email or Info Exchange. Within Info Exchange, external project team members can review PRs that were forwarded to them for a review and reference PRs that were sent in the log. Project Center users can review and track PRs using the full proposal requests log in Info Exchange, enabling them to track the PR process via the web from any location.
Project Center users viewing the proposal requests log in Info Exchange will see the full log and all the associated actions. Users logging into Info Exchange who are not Project Center users will only see the actions on which they are listed. These settings can be changed in the Groups and Info Exchange tab of the Modify Project Team Member dialog box.