Edit My Profile dialog box

4 minutes
9 months ago

Edit My Profile dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit your user profile. This is data is used by Project Center to access and display project information specific to you when you log in.

Contact Information tab

E-mail Address

Enter your email address.

First/Last Name

Enter your first and last name.


Click to open the Choose Disciplines dialog box to apply disciplines to yourself.

The list of disciplines always comes from the Global Discipline List.

Job Title

Enter your job title.


Enter the name of your department.


Click to open the Choose Roles dialog box to apply your roles.


Click to open the Select a Culture dialog box to set the language for any notifications that are sent to you that are not project-specific, such as Info Exchange account notifications and password reset instructions.



Click to open the Choose Company dialog box to select your company.


Click to open the Modify Company dialog box or the View Company dialog box to edit or view your company’s information.

Office Location

Click the drop-down list to select your office location.


Enter your work/mobile/home/fax numbers in the corresponding fields.

Show in Contact Lists

Mark this checkbox to list yourself in contact dialog boxes and contact lists throughout Project Center. All users will be able to see you.

If this checkbox is cleared, the following occurs:

Content Administrators and Global Administrators will still have full access, but for Professional users:

You will still appear in Project Manager, Principal in Charge, and Main Contact fields and columns in projects.

You will still appear in the Project Team activity center.

You will appear in Main Contact fields in company dialog boxes.

You will still appear in Send To/From/To/Forwarded to/Due Back from/etc. fields for project items throughout Project Center.

You will not appear in the Contacts tab of the Newforma Contact Directory.

You will not appear in Browse Company Contacts dialog box from the Newforma Contact Directory.

You will not appear in the Select Project Team Members from Companies dialog box or the Choose New Team Members from Global Contact List dialog box.

You will not appear in the Choose Project Team Members dialog box or the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box in the All Contacts filter list.


  • Select Active if you are an active Project Center user.

  • Select Inactive to inactivate yourself. Inactive users cannot log into Info Exchange, and do not appear in project teams. Reactivated users will reappear in project team lists.


Select whether you were added Manually or from the Microsoft Exchange Global Address List.

If the source is the Global Address List, the fields in this dialog box are read-only and cannot be edited.


Use Office Address

Mark this checkbox to use the information from the office selected in the Office Location field.

Copy It

Click to copy the information in the address fields to the clipboard.

Map It

Click to open the address in Google Maps.


Enter your address.


Enter your city.


Enter your state/province.

Zip/Postal Code

Enter your zip code.


Enter your country.

Address Type

Click to open the Choose Address Type dialog box to choose the location’s type.


Contact Notes tab

Use this tab to add comments and notes about yourself.


Click to open the Add Comment dialog box to add a comment, which you can relate to a project.


Click to open the Modify Comment dialog box to edit a comment.


Click to delete the selected comment.


The date and time the comments were entered.


The author of the comments.


The comments.

The project the comments are related to, if any.


Enter any additional notes about yourself in this section.


Custom Fields tab

This tab will appear if there is a custom field layout defined for you. This tab lists any additional fields that were created for the custom layout.


Project Assignments tab

This tab lists all of the projects on which you are a team member. Refer to the Project Center Administration activity center Projects tab topic for a description of the columns.

Add to Other Projects

Click to open the Select a Project dialog box to add yourself as a team member to other Project Center projects.

Remove from Project

Click to remove yourself as a team member from the selected project.


Change Log tab

This tab lists all changes made to your information.


To access this dialog box

Click the button from the Toolbar, then select  Edit My User Profile from the drop-down list.