Advanced Linking dialog box

3 minutes
1 year ago

Advanced Linking dialog box

This dialog box enables you to use advanced techniques to locate and link the correct file to a record document in document control.

Files that were already linked to record documents prior to accessing the Add Revisions from Files dialog box will not be used in advanced linking.

EDMS files and folders are NOT supported in the Advanced Linking dialog box.

Pattern Match

Select [Custom Prefix] + Record Document Number + [Custom Suffix] to enable the Prefix and Suffix fields to enter the prefixes and/or suffixes of the file name you want to locate and match. For example, let’s say there is a record document with the number A101. There is one file named A101_R01. pdf and another file named A101_R02. pdf. With this option, you can enter values in the Prefix and/or Suffix fields below to narrow the match results. In this case, entering the suffix R02 will find the match and automatically link it to the record document.

Select [Any Prefix] + Record Document Number + [Any Suffix] to match any files containing a prefix or suffix that were added to the file name. For example, let’s say there is a record document with the number A101. There is one file named A101_R01. pdf and another file named FirstFloorPlan_A101. pdf. This option will find and list both files as matches to the record document and let you select the correct file to link.

Apply Pattern

Select the record document from the list, then click to apply the selected pattern to find the file matches.


Enter the prefix and/or the suffix of the file as explained in the examples above.


Record Documents

This field contains the record documents you selected. Select a record document from this field to display the matched files in the Files field.

If no file matches are found, the record document is listed in red.

Record documents matched to multiple files are listed in bold.

If there is a one-to-one match, the record document and the file will be auto-linked and the record document will be listed in green.

If there is one file linked to multiple record documents, the record document will be listed in regular black text.

Remove Links

Click to unlink the linked file from the selected record document.

You must select a linked record document to enable this button.


Double-click the correct file to link it to the selected record document.

Files matched to multiple record documents are listed in bold.


Click to link the selected file to the selected record document.


To access this dialog box

Select at least one record document from the Record Documents section of the Add Revisions from Files dialog box, then click Advanced Linking.